Persona 5 01 Graph Art Design Can Badge Box

Picture Elements Card

The Motion picture Elements menu is one of the nigh versatile types of cards.

The cards allow you lot to position icons or text and even services on an image based on coordinates. Imagine floor plan, imagine flick-glance with no restrictions!

A functional floorplan powered by picture elements A functional floorplan powered by picture elements.

Configuration Variables

blazon string Required


image string Required

The URL of an epitome.
To use a locally hosted image, run into Hosting.

camera_image string (Optional )

A photographic camera entity.

camera_view cord (Optional , default: machine)

"live" volition show the live view if stream is enabled.

elements listing Required

List of elements.

title string (Optional )

Carte title.

state_filter map (Optional )

theme cord (Optional )

Override the used theme for this card with whatsoever loaded theme. For more information about themes, see the frontend documentation.

dark_mode_image string (Optional )

This image is used when the dark manner is activated and no state paradigm is set.

dark_mode_filter string (Optional )

This CSS filter is used when the dark mode is activated.


Elements are the active components (icons, badges, buttons, text, etc.) that overlay the image.

In that location are several different element types that can be added to a Picture Elements card:

  • Land Badge
  • Land Icon
  • State Label
  • Service Telephone call Push
  • Icon
  • Image
  • Provisional
  • Custom

Country Badge

This chemical element creates a bluecoat representing the state of an entity.

Configuration Variables

type cord Required


entity cord Required

Entity ID.

style map Required

Position and style the element using CSS.


position: absolute, transform: translate(-50%, -50%)

title string (Optional )

State badge tooltip. Set to zip to hide.

tap_action map (Optional )

hold_action map (Optional )

double_tap_action map (Optional )

Land Icon

This element represents an entity state using an icon.

Configuration Variables

type cord Required


entity string Required

The entity ID to use.

icon cord (Optional )

Overwrites icon.

title string (Optional )

Icon tooltip. Fix to null to hide.

state_color boolean (Optional , default: true)

Set to truthful to have icons colored when entity is active.

tap_action map (Optional )

hold_action map (Optional )

double_tap_action map (Optional )

way string Required

Position and mode the chemical element using CSS.


position: absolute, transform: translate(-50%, -50%)

Land Label

This chemical element represents an entity's land via text.

Configuration Variables

type string Required


entity string Required

Entity ID.

aspect cord (Optional )

If nowadays, the corresponding attribute will be shown, instead of the entity's country.

prefix cord (Optional )

Text before entity state.

suffix cord (Optional )

Text later on entity state.

title cord (Optional )

Label tooltip. Set to null to hide.

tap_action map (Optional )

hold_action map (Optional )

double_tap_action map (Optional )

manner string Required

Position and style the element using CSS.


position: absolute, transform: interpret(-50%, -l%)

Service Call Button

This entity creates a push (with arbitrary text) that tin exist used to call a service.

Configuration Variables

type string Required

service-push button

title cord Required

Button label.

service string Required


service_data map (Optional )

The service information to use.

style string Required

Position and manner the element using CSS.


position: absolute, transform: interpret(-50%, -50%)

Icon Chemical element

This element creates a static icon that is non linked to the state of an entity.

Configuration Variables

type cord Required


icon string Required

Icon to brandish (east.g., mdi:home).

title cord (Optional )

Icon tooltip. Set to null to hide.

entity cord (Optional )

Entity to use for more-info/toggle.

tap_action map (Optional )

hold_action map (Optional )

double_tap_action map (Optional )

style cord Required

Position and style the element using CSS.


position: absolute, transform: translate(-50%, -50%)

Image Element

This creates an image element that overlays the groundwork image.

Configuration Variables

type string Required


entity cord (Optional )

Entity to utilise for state_image and state_filter and also target for actions.

title cord (Optional )

Image tooltip. Set up to nothing to hide.

tap_action map (Optional )

hold_action map (Optional )

double_tap_action map (Optional )

paradigm string (Optional )

The paradigm to brandish.

camera_image cord (Optional )

A camera entity.

camera_view string (Optional , default: auto)

"live" will show the live view if stream is enabled.

state_image map (Optional )

filter string (Optional )

Default: grayscale(100%) when entity state is off. Set to none to remove this.

state_filter map (Optional )

aspect_ratio cord (Optional , default: 50%)

Forces the height of the image to be a ratio of the width. Valid formats: Height pct value (23%) or ratio expressed with colon or "ten" separator (xvi:nine or 16x9). For a ratio, the second element can be omitted and will default to "i" (1.78 equals 1.78:1).

style string Required

Position and style the element using CSS.


position: accented, transform: translate(-fifty%, -50%)

Conditional Element

Much like the Provisional card, this element volition let you evidence its sub-elements based on entity states.

Configuration Variables

type string Required


conditions listing Required

List of entity IDs and matching states.

entity string Required

Entity ID.

state string (Optional )

Entity state is equal to this value.*

state_not string (Optional )

Entity state is unequal to this value.*

elements list Required

One or more elements of any blazon to show when atmospheric condition are met. Run across beneath for an case.

Custom Elements

The process for creating and referencing custom elements is the same every bit for custom cards. Delight see the developer documentation for more information.

Configuration Variables

type string Required

Card name with custom: prefix (east.g., custom:my-custom-carte).

style string Required

Position and mode the element using CSS.


position: absolute, transform: translate(-l%, -50%)

Options For Exemptions

Configuration Variables

user string Required

User ID that can see the view tab.

Notes on Element Attributes

How to use the fashion object

Position and way your elements using CSS. More than/other keys are also possible. Note, the default fashion for most elements includes translate(-fifty%, -50%), which means that the coordinates you provide will set the position of the center of the element. Apply transform: none to disable this behavior.

                              style                :                # Positioning of the element                left                :                l%                peak                :                50%                # Overwrite colour for icons                "                --paper-particular-icon-colour"                :                pinkish                          

How to utilize state_image

Specify a different image to display based on the state of the entity.

                              state_image                :                "                on"                :                /local/living_room_on.jpg                "off"                :                /local/living_room_off.jpg                          

How to use state_filter

Specify different CSS filters

                              state_filter                :                "                on"                :                brightness(110%) saturate(1.two)                "off"                :                brightness(50%) hue-rotate(45deg)                          

How to utilise click-and-agree

If the selection hold_action is specified, that action will be performed when the entity is clicked and held for half a second or more.

                              tap_action                :                action                :                toggle                hold_action                :                activity                :                telephone call-service                service                :                light.turn_on                service_data                :                entity_id                :                light.bed_light                brightness_pct                :                100                          


Example of icons, labels and buttons

                              type                :                picture-elements                image                :                /local/floorplan.png                elements                :                -                type                :                state-icon                tap_action                :                activity                :                toggle                entity                :                light.ceiling_lights                fashion                :                elevation                :                47%                left                :                42%                -                type                :                land-icon                tap_action                :                action                :                toggle                entity                :                light.kitchen_lights                style                :                height                :                xxx%                left                :                15%                -                type                :                country-characterization                entity                :                sensor.outside_temperature                style                :                top                :                82%                left                :                79%                -                type                :                state-characterization                entity                :                      aspect                :                current_temperature                suffix                :                "                °C"                style                :                top                :                33%                left                :                15%                -                type                :                service-button                title                :                Plow lights off                fashion                :                top                :                95%                left                :                60%                service                :                homeassistant.turn_off                service_data                :                entity_id                :                grouping.all_lights                -                blazon                :                icon                icon                :                mdi:home                tap_action                :                action                :                navigate                navigation_path                :                /lovelace/0                manner                :                top                :                10%                left                :                10%                          

Images Example

                              type                :                picture-elements                image                :                /local/floorplan.png                elements                :                # state_image & state_filter - toggle on click                -                type                :                paradigm                entity                :                light.living_room                tap_action                :                action                :                toggle                image                :                /local/living_room.png                state_image                :                "                off"                :                /local/living_room_off.png                filter                :                saturate(.viii)                state_filter                :                "                on"                :                brightness(120%) saturate(1.2)                fashion                :                top                :                25%                left                :                75%                width                :                fifteen%                # Photographic camera, red edge, rounded-rectangle - evidence more-info on click                -                type                :                image                entity                :                camera.driveway_camera                camera_image                :                camera.driveway_camera                style                :                peak                :                5%                left                :                x%                width                :                10%                edge                :                2px solid reddish                border-radius                :                x%                # Unmarried image, state_filter - call-service on click                -                type                :                prototype                entity                :                media_player.living_room                tap_action                :                action                :                phone call-service                service                :                media_player.media_play_pause                service_data                :                entity_id                :                media_player.living_room                image                :                /local/idiot box.jpg                filter                :                brightness(five%)                state_filter                :                playing                :                brightness(100%)                style                :                top                :                40%                left                :                75%                width                :                v%                          

Conditional Example

                              blazon                :                picture-elements                image                :                /local/Firm.png                elements                :                # conditionally show Tv set off button shortcut when dad's away and girl is home                -                type                :                conditional                conditions                :                -                entity                :                sensor.presence_daughter                state                :                "                home"                -                entity                :                sensor.presence_dad                state                :                "                not_home"                elements                :                -                blazon                :                state-icon                entity                :                switch.television set                tap_action                :                action                :                toggle                way                :                top                :                47%                left                :                42%                  


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