Outdoor Marquee Boards Funny Back to School

best first day of school signs


The lunches are packed, the schedule is set, but the real challenge of back-to-school season is nailing the perfect first-day-of-school photo. You've got your outfits, poses, and setting picked out (and if you don't, check out our first-day-of-school photo ideas), but what about the props? These first-day-of-school signs can make sure your photos will go to the head of the class. Whether you're looking to track all the important information about your young scholar's first day, add something creative and thematic to a reusable letterboard, or try some out-of-the-box idea that's good for a laugh, with these in your pictures, you'll stand out among the sea of other back-to-school photos that start flooding your Facebook and Instagram feeds at this time every year. (Ah yes, back-to-school and the holidays — the two times a year you're sure to see a new photo of every kid you know cross your social media.)

Getting them to actually smile in the picture? You're on your own for that one. Well, maybe we can offer a little help: With real little ones, a photographer once suggested that saying, "Whatever you do, don't say, 'Cheese!'" will get those defiant kiddos to immediately stop what they're doing and yell, "Cheese!" The power of reverse psychology!

Customizable First Day of School Sign

Printable "First Day Of School" Sign

If you're worried that your handwriting will be too illegible to read in a photo, this sign comes as a downloadable template. You type in all the info and print it at home for an easy-to-read masterpiece.

Easy First-Day-of-School Chalkboard

Back-to-School Chalkboard

This handy sign prompts you to record all of the relevant details of the moment so you can remember them for posterity. It can also be wiped clean, so you can reuse it year after year.

Classic First-Day-of-School Chalkboard

Reversible Before and After Sign

This chalkboard sign is reversible, so you can flip it over and use it again on the last day of school, and see how much your child has grown.

This one couldn't be any more quintessentially back-to-school, since it's not only a chalkboard, but it's in the shape of an apple.

First-Day-of-School Pennant

These flags also get the point across without stealing too much of your photo's frame — plus they have a homecoming rally vibe to them.

School Bus First and Last Day of School Signs

If you're not a fan of apples, you could go with the other quintessential sign of back-to-school season: a yellow school bus. This one is sold as a set; it comes with a last-day-of-school sign that looks like the back of the bus.


This take on the chalkboard sign has a ruler frame around it to give it even more of a classroom feel. It's also reusable and works with both chalk and chalk markers.

Notebook First and Last Day of School Sign

If you don't want to go with a chalkboard motif, what about a piece of loose leaf paper? It'll bring you back to your own doodle-in-the-margins days.

Sometimes, you need the reminder. (You're never going to stop crying, though, are you?)

First-Day-of-School Photobooth Props

Once you get your "official," frame-worthy photo out of the way, some back-to-school photo booth props will let you mix it up a little so you can do a "fun" shot for Facebook. These are also good for teachers who want to take a first-day-of-school class picture.

Or, if you're not digging all of the chalkboards and want to go in a different direction, this printable sign has more of a watercolor feel, and avoids the "first day of school" phrasing altogether.

Best Letterboard First-Day-of-School Sign

Hexagonal Letter Board

Old-school letter boards are versatile, but no one says you have to choose to use white letters on a black rectangle. Check for letter boards in different shapes (we love this hexagon), or in colors like pink, yellow, purple, and teal.

After you post the obligatory first-day-of-school pic, you can re-arrange the fun letters on this sign to offer an inspirational message she can keep on her desk all year.

Older kids who believe they've outgrown the chalkboard signs might still consent to taking a first-day-of-school photo with this light-up marquee — if you promise them that they can keep it in their rooms afterward. (It changes color!)

Perfect Life Ideas

This mini lightbox might only have enough room for a short message — "First Day!" — but it's good for those looking for a budget buy.


Or, you can use a photo frame. This one splits the difference between looking like a cell phone and an old-school Polaroid.

First-Day-of-School Sign Set

Why wait until next year to do this all over again? You can stock up on everything you need with this 10-sign printable pack.

Senior Parenting & Relationships Editor Senior Parenting & Relationships Editor Marisa LaScala covers all things parenting, from the postpartum period through empty nests, for Good Housekeeping; she previously wrote about motherhood for Parents and Working Mother.

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Source: https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/life/parenting/g27787916/best-first-day-of-school-signs/

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